A lightweight HDPS skirting board that is strong and very easy to install in comparison to wood. Perfect for commercial and DIY projects, and light enough for just one person to fix.
We recommend Ready Mixed Adhesive to install this product.
Measure length 1 from the external edge of the architrave to the inside corner of the room. Transfer this measurement onto a length of skirting board and mark accurately with a pencil. Cut the skirting board to length using square cuts with the aid of a fine-toothed saw and saw block. Position the skirting board to check length.
Lay the skirting board on its face and apply an adhesive down each adhesive channel. Place the skirting board in position pushing firmly back to the wall.
Measure length 2 from the flat face of the skirting board to the inside corner of the room. Cut to length using square cuts.
Fill all joints and also the top edge of the skirting board.